Security of automated process control systems (PCS) is a critical task to ensure satisfactory operation of modern production. Among the risks related to the protection of critical information infrastructure objects (KBO or FIAC) is isolated group of socio - economic risks and risks associated with technological channels. Among them:
- Corruption of data on the financial and economic activity coming from the controllers, workstations and terminal nodes control system based on Windows (CE, XP, 7) in the higher-level (eg MES, ERP) for the purpose of concealing embezzlement.
- Corruption of data on the parameters of work processes and work PAZ in order to conceal violations of process discipline, quality of products, sanitary and hygienic conditions of the staff, the frequency of scheduled maintenance, etc.
- Vandalism (wanton damage to objects APCS).
- Sabotage (deliberate violation performance SCADA systems with the aim of causing the company financial or reputational damage).
- Industrial espionage - steal information about modes of the equipment controlled by DCS and the actual volume of production.
- Change of individual elements of the control system associated with upgrading or installing unauthorized software applications or malicious software developers.
- Disruption of the control system associated with incorrect updating of the OS and drivers or their interaction with the application software.
- Malfunctions of the PAZ associated with its unauthorized modification.
- Malfunctions of the PAZ associated with incorrect updating of the OS and drivers or their interaction with the application software.
- Skid virus technology laptops staff, which could result in malfunction of the system process control system as a whole or its individual components.
Especially for the protection of critical information infrastructure systems SoftControl presents a line of products TPSecure. TPSecure solutions provide protection from all the major threats to the security control system and can work on all networks devices running operating systems Windows.
Special attention in the products TPSecure paid to the protection of special software, which is used in the network control systems.
- Monitoring the integrity of the application - change control software code lock ensures run the application in case of change of its executable code.
- Protecting executable application code - prevents changing the executable application modules with other applications.
- Data protection applications - a ban read / modify local files and registry keys are third-party applications.
Find out the details of the products to protect SoftControl CWE information infrastructure businesses in touch with us!