The Admin Explorer remote management console can be launched from any workstation on the corporate networks without requiring local installation. The console can be used to handle remote deployment and endpoint configuration tasks as well as to receive alerts and handle incident management.
For SysWatch and TPSecure clients, the management console enables administrators to make decisions remotely regarding actions to be taken when incidents such as attempts to launch unknown applications or breach of security policy occur or to process incidents automatically.
If, for any reason, the remote client is stopped or there is an attempt to breach security policies, an alert is issued via the management console.
For DLP Guard clients, Admin Explorer ensures the prompt receipt of alerts and enables administrators to take action regarding policy violations, as well as supporting the viewing and capture of remote workstation displasy in real time as part of a forensic investigation.
The Admin Explorer module in the Enterprise Suite combines the capabilities of both SysWatch and DLP Guard clients.
The main task of the Service Center is to collect information from the endpoints and distribute requests, including client configuration management and remote deployment. The Service Center server processes, stores, and modifies the information before sending it to the clients or to the management console.
SoftControl’s administration modules save time and support the security of your business IT infrastructure through: